Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lizara's Toy Story

This animation is about a girl named Lizara who is playing with her favourite toy. I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Great Things Take Time - Maniakalani Film Festival

Do you like Harry Potter? J.K. Rowling took five years to write her first Harry Potter book and sold over four hundred million copies! She took her time, she believed in herself, and she never gave up. Rowling has showed us that Great things Take time!

Today we have a special movie for you that based on hopes and dreams. This movie has a group of talented kids in Room 14 who want to make their dreams come true! Watch as they tell you about their ambitions and the journeys they have planned in order to get there.

Sit back, Relax, and remember: Great Things Take Time!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Room 14's Toy Stories

Room 14 have made animations sharing their toy stories. Look and listen as they show and tell you all about their favourite toys.