On Tuesday after morning tea, Room Fourteen kids had to make toys using, balloons, straws, bamboo sticks, paper,plastic bottles, string, sizes, cellotape, and lots of other things. We used lots of materials that some of us got from home. It was difficult to pick a toy because all of the toys looked so cool. I picked the square paper spinner.
Then we got started I tried and tried to make the square paper spinner but it was too hard. So I decided to make another toy that was easy, I looked and looked for an easy toy. Finally I found it, a coin centrifuge. The good thing about the coin centrifuge is that you only need a coin or a counter and a balloon.
I got started. I got a coin and a balloon it was kind of hard to put the coin into the balloon so I looked for a little plastic coin. I found one in the counter jar. I put it in and it fit. I started to blow my balloon I tied the top so the air doesn’t come out, I did it really tight. Finally it was done I shaked it then I stopped and the coin inside was spinning really fast.
Overall I enjoyed making toys. Next time I will look for a easy toy to make. I will try to work faster. The bad thing about my balloon is that is popped.
If you would like to make this toy
click here.